Support Multiple Batch Jobs for the DUPMEDBRM Command

Support Multiple Batch Jobs for the DUPMEDBRM Command

The Duplicate Media using BRMS (DUPMEDBRM) command supports using multiple batch jobs to asynchronously duplicate media sets. The batch jobs used for duplication will be submitted using the Job description and Job queue fields in the BRMS submitted jobs section of the BRMS System Policy. The job log from the DUPMEDBRM command will contain messages indicating which batch jobs are performing the duplication. Each of these duplication jobs will send completion or error messages to the BRMS log so the BRMS log should be monitored to verify that each of the duplication jobs completed successfully.

Multiple batch jobs can be specified for the DUPMEDBRM command by specifying Submit batch option (SBMOPT) parameter.


  1. The call to DUPBATCH only applies to the current job.
  2. When using the DUPMEDBRM to batch option, the SAVMEDINF parameter needs to be set to *NONE when multiple batch jobs are submitted.
  3. The number of values specified for the Input volume list (FROMVOL) parameter on the DUPMEDBRM command must include more that 1 volume identifier to be duplicated.
  4. If needing to submit the DUPMEDBRM to batch, a program will have to be created that has the call to the DUPBATCH and the DUPMEDBRM command in it. This program can then be submitted to batch
  5. Batch jobs will only be used when a volume name, *LIST or *SEARCH is specified for the From volume identifier (VOL) parameter. Batch jobs will not be used when *SCHHST or *RESUME is specified for the From volume identifier (VOL) parameter.
  6. When using FROMVOL(*SET) and the save was a parallel save, only the specified volume will be duplicated.
  7. If the media being duplicated was created during a parallel save, then restores from the duplicated media will require the same or fewer number of resources used during the DUPMEDBRM command.
  8. The Output volume list (TOVOL) parameter has to be *MOUNTED. Specifying output volumes is not supported
  9. Not supported when using the autodup function that can be set up using media policies
  10. If using Allow Append of Multiple Parallel Volumes During DUPMEDBRM - Q1AALWMFDP to append many parallel volumes to fewer volumes, when doing restores, Parallel resources needs to be set to a minimum and maximum of 1 - PRLRSC(1 1) , irrespective of how many new sets are created.
  11. You cannot use this option if you are duplicating a single serial set with multiple volumes.

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