Allow Append of Multiple Parallel Volumes During DUPMEDBRM - Q1AALWMFDP

BRMS can be configured to allow multiple parallel volumes to be appended to the same volume(s) when running the Duplicate Media using BRM (DUPMEDBRM) command with *END specified for the To sequence number (TOSEQNBR) parameter. The first volume will start on a scratch volume and all other volumes in the parallel set will be appended to that volume until it is full.



  1. Duplication from a multi-volume parallel set to a single larger volume will be single stream process. Each parallel volume is duplicated completely to the target volume before the next volume is duplicated
  2. When doing restores from the duplicated single volume, Parallel resources needs to be set to a minimum and maximum of 1 - PRLRSC(1 1)
  3. Ensure that only expired media is available in the media class specified in the MEDPCY parameter on the DUPMEDBRM command. If there are any active volumes in that media class, they will be appended to.
  4. Restores from the duplicate media may take longer.
  5. To change back to not duplicate to a single volume, delete the data area
  6. When using the Automatically Duplicating Media after BRMS Backup has Completed with this data area created, jobs need to be submitted to a single threaded job queue. 
  7. It is possible restores may hang due to issues with logical and physical files if the following PTF or their superseding PTFs are not applied
    1. MF64506 (7.3)
    2. MF64505 (7.2)

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