Preventing Locks on Remote Jobs When Maintenance is Running

At 7.2 and above, when BRMS maintenance runs, it may hold other BRMS jobs that are using the same files BRMS maintenance is using at the same time. The holds on the jobs will depend on how long it takes the maintenance job to process the file(s).

This could affect remote systems trying to get media from this system. To prevent this there are 2 options available.

Option 1

Use the Balancing Media in a BRMS Network option to balance media between systems in the BRMS network

Option 2

Create a CL program that will look similar to this and then call the CLP to run maintenance. This will prevent other systems in the BRMS network from trying to BRMS DDM to the system running maintenance (note normal DDm will continue to work)




         MONMSG BRM0000



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