Installation Times
The size of the QUSRBRM file can affect upgrade installation times
If the size of the QUSRBRM library on your server is large, you could experience long installation times when upgrading BRMS to a newer release. This is due to the conversion of the physical files in the QUSRBRM library to a new file format. The benefits of this conversion are:
More storage available on your system
Shorter save times when saving the user libraries on your system
Less time to save the BRMS media information after each backup.
The physical file conversion occurs during the post processing phase of the primary language install. In V5R3 and above, the impact of this conversion is alleviated somewhat by processing it in a separate batch job, allowing the rest of the system install to continue processing at the same time.
The time required to convert the files in library QUSRBRM will vary depending on the system model, storage configuration and number of records in the physical file in the QUSRBRM library.
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