Verify BRMS network and BRMS Enterprise network connections

Network communication can be checked by running the Initialize BRMS (INZBRM) command with *VFYSYS, *VFYNET or *VFYENT specified for the Option (OPTION) parameter. The verification process checks the current network connection settings for:

  • Current signed on user profile and user profile QBRMS
  • Verifies DDM and DRDA communications
  • Checks FlashCopy state

*VFYENT  Verifies this system is set up correctly and communicating with other systems in the BRMS enterprise network. No other INZBRM parameters are used with this option.

*VFYNET  Verifies this system is set up correctly and communicating with other systems in the BRMS network. No other INZBRM parameters are used with this option.

*VFYSYS  Verifies this system is set up correctly and communicating with the system specified for the System name (SYSNAME) parameter. Use this option to get additional information on failures when using *VFYNET

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