Specify ASYNCBRING to improve performance of IFS backups

BRMS uses the Save Object (SAV) command and QsrSave API to backup integrated file system (IFS) objects.  Performance of IFS backups may be improved by specifying *YES for the Asynchronous bring (ASYNCBRING) parameter on the Save Object (SAV) command or Asynchronous bring key on the QsrSave() API. The best performance improvement will be seen with a well balanced directory tree in which all objects qualify for the save. In situations where a large number of objects reside in a single directory, few objects qualify for the save or the system is memory constrained, performance may degrade with ASYNCBRING(*YES) specified.

BRMS allows asynchronous bring to be used during BRMS IFS backups by specifying the ASYNCBRING parameter on the Save Object using BRM (SAVBRM) command or more generally in the attributes for a control group or the backup policy.

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