Allow Save Files on IASPs 33-99 for Media Policies

In releases IBM i 6.1 and later, media policies that have the Save to save file field set to *YES will allow independent auxiliary storage pools (IASP) names to be specified for the ASP for save files field.


  1. In releases IBM i 7.1 and IBM i 6.1, the following PTFs or their superseding PTFs are required:
       7.1 SI47935
       6.1 SI47934
  2. The IASP that is specified for the ASP for save files field must have an ASP number in the range 33-99.
  3. If IASP has a number greater than 99, delete the Q1ABRMSF01 library and create it in the required IASP. 
  4. When performing a backup or recovery using a save file on an IASP, the IASP must be in the name space. The IASP can be added to the name space by using the SETASPGRP command or adding a *SETASPGRP entry to a control group.
  5. Ensure that the iASP has been added to the name space of the job that running BRMS maintenance.

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