When saving data to the cloud, BRMS uses the current system name to reference the object in the cloud.

If the network attributes on the system are getting changed and INZBRM OPTION(*CHGSYSNAM) is run, BRMS will not be able to automatically download the cloud files during a restore operation.

Renaming the cloud storage file path to reflect the new system name will resolve this issue. 

If the cloud connector does not allow the path to be renamed, then the volumes need to be manually moved to the new cloud file name on the current cloud connector by doing the following:

  1. Identify the name of the cloud files you need to restore - the normal format is QBRMS_systemname

  2. Use the CPYFRMCLD command to download the cloud image files

  3. Use the CPYTOCLD command to upload the cloud image files to a new file name

  4. If the volume shows up in *TRF status in WRKMEDBRM, run the following process to fix the volume state:

  5. After the desired volumes have been renamed, the original cloud image files should be removed.